August 29, 2014 / Weddings
Matt & Lily's Timber Banks & Syracuse, NY Wedding Photos
I’m excited to share Matt & Lily’s Timber Banks wedding photos from Syracuse, NY with you all! I met Lily almost two years ago while she was taking care of my son in the Cardiac PICU at a hospital in Rochester, NY. My son, only a few days old, needed surgery after being born with a serious heart condition. (He’s doing very well, BTW! That story here.) We ended up staying for 5 months and got to know Lily (and many other amazing nurses and doctors) fairly well during that time. It was my pleasure and honor to be able to be able to photograph her and Matt’s wedding day!
This weekend continued with the crazy weather we’ve been having. The ceremony was planned for late afternoon. All morning and into the afternoon was beautiful and sunny. Then we saw that it was supposed to rain at the exact time the ceremony was begin. Sure enough, as the time approached the clouds rolled in. The guests began to make their way to the ceremony area by golf cart or walking with umbrellas. They waited under cover for the rain to let up. Thankfully, it did. After about a 15-minute delay, the groomsmen arrived and the seats were dried off. With clouds overhead we decided to start the ceremony. Within seconds of the grandparents stepping onto the aisle, the sun came out and the rest of the day was perfect!
We found some incredible places around the golf course for photos with Matt, Lily and the (sometimes crazy but always fun) wedding party. I had a great time with all of you! Thank you for having me!
Reception Venue: Timber Banks
DJ: Elevated Events
The ladies
The men doing some morning golfing
Checking the radar for rain
Getting dark out…
The rain let up and the guests are seated. Let’s do this!
One minute clouds, the next, sun!
Fun couple!
Love this one!
Amazing sky that day!
I asked them to stand in while I got the lighting right…
Me, Lily and a few other nurses
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